The Incredible Christmas Story - A live pantomime show for 2025
Ben needs help to save Christmas!
Prince Charming is lost, so are the pirates, and a shoe to name a few. Meet Panto friends, become the creative powers, that's all you need to do.
A hassle free pantomime experience
A 1 hour unique Christmas pantomime show for the whole primary school to enjoy.
We bring a fabulous set, gorgeous costumes and tons of energy and fun.
A unique story and show that will capture all ages.
1 - 3 shows in your school per day.
15 years experience. Reliable and easy booking.
A free teaching resource pack full of classroom activities to use throughout the year.
A fundraising pack with ideas, posters, tickets and files for you to edit, personalise and print.
"You're a pleasure to work with and the kids and teachers love the shows"
Administrator Camrose Primary School

I'd just like to say what amazing day we've all had today! Both the children and the staff loved the performance and I've had children inspired to write their own stories, raps, poems, descriptions.
Deputy Head Hilltop School
The Story
It's nearly Christmas and Ben doesn't want to do his homework and write a story, it's far more fun watching TV, or playing his latest game. Mum threatens to cancel Christmas. In a temper Ben throws all his books on the floor and the stories become muddled. Prince Charming suddenly appears in his room, then more madcap characters and they quickly realise that everything has gone very wrong.
Your pupils are enlisted to become the 'Creative Powers' and journey with Ben throughout well known pantomime and children's stories to help popular characters get back to where they belong. The children will need to use their imaginations, get out of their chairs, shout and laugh as they help create settings, invent a rap, head into space as they interact with the characters. Everyone has so much fun they don't even realise they are learning all kinds of literacy skills along with the pantomime antics. From pirates to Sally Jotter, Peter Pan, Aladdin and James Blonde, these wonderful characters help Ben and the audience to create the most 'Incredible Christmas Story' ever! Will Ben fall in love with books? Will you?
The Educational Twist
Throughout the pantomime antics we include PSHE curriculum areas supporting idea around physical and mental health and wellbeing.
With lots of technology at our finger tips we can forget how exciting, fun and mysterious books can be. There's lots of storytelling opportunities and imaginative experiences to have, especially around Christmas time. Our pantomime characters, and the audience, pick up useful ideas throughout the show, here's some examples:
Prince Charming needs to woo Cinderella, he thinks a poem may help, but doesn't have the words?
Ben knows that raps rhyme and have rhythm, so with the help of the audience they will create one and maybe sing-a-long too.
The lost pirates find a message, but some of the letters and words have been washed off?
Can the 'creative powers' fill in the blanks and get some clues as to where Cinderella has ended up?
Developed alongside children and schools we can ensure that the storyline, themes and interaction are enjoyable and inclusive.
The Interaction
As the audience take on a role in the show they become involved in it all, suggesting ideas, singing, dancing - even becoming part of some of the scens!
Can your pupils help Ben and the Wolf escape from the ghost chase?
Offer suggestions, advice, and help Ben as he meets lots of well known characters on his journey to save his Christmas?
Our highly skilled performers are also trained facilitators to make sure that the interaction is fully engaging and also fun for all.
The show is for life and not just for Christmas so we include a free teaching classroom activity pack with activities for all areas of the curriculum adapted for each key stage and a full fundraising pack.
The Package
The cost of the pantomime starts at £475 + Travel + VAT
Large discounts for multiple shows Up to 3 shows = £995 + Travel + VAT (Less than £335 per show)
Included with every booking is a free comprehensive teaching resource pack with classroom activities
and a free fundraising pack with ideas and resources.
There are discounts available so please contact us for an exact quote.